Biography: My native town is Kharkov, Ukraine. I attended Kharkov National University to study mathematics and eventually came to the US for graduate studies. In 2005, I received a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Missouri. For the following five years, I held the position of Adjunct Assistant Professor at UCLA until crossing the country to arrive at City College. Here is my CV.

Research interests: Thermodynamic formalism, smooth ergodic theory, rotation theory, symbolic dynamics.

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminars

Currently I am co-organizing two seminars at CUNY Graduate Center:
(1) "Learning Seminar on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems" (geared towards graduate students interested in dynamics), which is held on Fridays 11:00-11:50 AM in room 5417.
(2)"Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems" (for faculty specializing in dynamical systems and related fields), which is held on Fridays 3:00-4:00 PM in room 6417.
Please email me if you would like to be added to the mailing list.

The full schedule is available on the seminar page.


New Directions in Thermodynamic Formalism
June 22 – 26, 2026

Together with Jérôme Buzzi, Boris Hasselblatt, and Daniel Thompson, I am co-organizing conference New Directions in Thermodynamic Formalism which will be held at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM), Luminy, France


Upcoming Talks and Travels:

Conferences Organised:

Past Talks (some with slides) and Travels: