Biography: My native town is Kharkov, Ukraine. I attended Kharkov National University to study mathematics and eventually came to the US for graduate studies. In 2005, I received a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Missouri. For the following five years, I held the position of Adjunct Assistant Professor at UCLA until crossing the country to arrive at City College. Here is my CV.

Research interests: Thermodynamic formalism, smooth ergodic theory, rotation theory, symbolic dynamics.

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminars

Currently I am co-organizing two seminars at CUNY Graduate Center:
(1) "Learning Seminar on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems" (geared towards graduate students interested in dynamics), which is held on Fridays 10:30-11:30 AM in room 6417.
(2)"Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems" (for faculty specializing in dynamical systems and related fields), which is held on Fridays 12:30-1:30 PM in room 6417.
Please email me if you would like to be added to the mailing list.

The full schedule is available on the seminar page.


Upcoming Talks and Travels:

Conferences Organised:

Past Talks (some with slides) and Travels: